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Publications 2018

Adego AK, Poulicard N , Pinel-Galzi A, Mukoye B, Fargette D , Were HK, Hebrard E. (2018). Full-Length Genome Sequences of Recombinant and Nonrecombinant Sympatric Strains of Rice yellow mottle virus from Western Kenya. Genome Announc. DOI: 10.1128/genomeA.01508-17

Charon J, Barra A, Walter J, Millot P, Hébrard E , Moury B, Michon T. (2018). First experimental assessment of protein intrinsic disorder involvement in an RNA virus natural adaptive process. Molecular Biology and Evolution.35(1) : 38-49.   doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msx249

Dellicour S, Vrancken B, Trovao NS, Fargette D , Lemey P. (2018). On the importance of negative controls in viral landscape phylogeography. Virus Evol. ( https://doi.org/10.1093/ve/vey023)

Hébrard E , Pinel-Galzi A, Oludare A, Poulicard NAribi JFabre S,  Issaka S, Mariac C, Dereeper A , Albar L, Silué D, Fargette D.  (2018). Identification of a hypervirulent pathotype of Rice yellow mottle virus: A threat to genetic resistance deployment in West-Central Africa. Phytopathology.  DOI:10.1094/PHYTO-05-17-0190-R

Hily JM, Demaneche S, Poulicard N, Tannieres M, Djennane S, Beuve M, Vigne E, Demangeat G, Komar V, Gertz C, Marmonier A, Hemmer C, Vigneron S, Marais A, Candresse T, Simonet P, Lemaire O. (2018). Metagenomic-based impact study of transgenic grapevine rootstock on its associated virome and soil bacteriome. Plant Biotechnol J. 6(1): 208-220. DOI:  10.1111/pbi.12761

Pinel-Galzi A, Hébrard E , Traoré O, Silué D, Albar L. (2018). Protocol for RYMV Inoculation and Resistance Evaluation in Rice Seedlings. Bio-protocol 8(11): e2863. DOI: 10.21769/BioProtoc.2863.  https://bio-protocol.org/e2863