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Publis 2020
Bangratz M, Wonni I, Kini K, Sondo M, Brugidou C, Béna G, Gnacko F, Barro M, Koebnik R , Silué D, Tollenaere C. (2020). Design of a new multiplex PCR assay for rice pathogenic bacteria detection and its application to infer disease incidence and detect co-infection in rice fields in Burkina Faso. PLoS One. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0232115
Cohen SP, Luna EK, Lang JM, Chang C, Leach JE, Le-Saux MF, Portier P, Koebnik R , Jacobs JM. (2020). High-Quality Genome Resource of Xanthomonas hyacinthi Generated via Long-Read Sequencing. Plant Dis. DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-11-19-2393-A
Huerta AI, Delorean EE, Bossa-Castro AM, Tonnessen BW, Raghavan C, Corral R, Pérez-Quintero ÁL, Leung H, Verdier V , Leach JE. (2020). Resistance and susceptibility QTL identified in a rice MAGIC population by screening with a minor-effect virulence factor from Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Plant Biotechnol J. doi: 10.1111/pbi.13438
Kante M, Flores C, Moufid Y, Wonni I, Hutin M, Thomas E , Fabre S, Gagnevin L, Dagno K, Verdier V , Koita O, Szurek B. (2020). First Report of Xanthomonas phaseoli pv. Manihotis, the causal agent of Cassava bacterial blight, in Mali. Plant Disease. 104(6): 1852-1853. DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-12-19-2611-PDN
Kini K, Lefeuvre P, Poulin L, Silué D, Koebnik R . (2020). Genome Resources of Three West African Strains of Pantoea ananatis Causing Bacterial Blight and Grain Discoloration of Rice. Phytopathology. doi: 10.1094/PHYTO-03-20-0091-A
Read AC, Hutin M , Moscou MJ, Rinaldi FC, Bogdanove AJ (2020). Cloning of the rice Xo1 resistance gene and interaction of the Xo1 protein with the defense-suppressing Xanthomonas effector Tal2h. Mol. Plant Microbe Interact. doi: 10.1094/MPMI-05-20-0131-SC
Roman-Reyna V, Luna E, Pesce C, Vancheva T, Chang C, Ziegle J, Bragard C, Koebnik R , Lang JM, Leach .E, Jacobs JM. (2019). Genome Resource of Barley Bacterial Blight and Leaf Streak Pathogen Xanthomonas translucens pv. translucens strain UPB886. 104(1): 13-15.
Sedighian N, Krijger M, Taparia T, Taghavi SM, Wicker E , Van der Wolf JM, Osdaghi E. (2020). Genome Resource of Two Potato Strains of Ralstonia solanacearum Biovar 2 (Phylotype IIB Sequevar 1) and Biovar 2T (Phylotype IIB Sequevar 25) Isolated from Lowlands in Iran. MPMI. 33(7): 872-875. doi: 10.1094/MPMI-02-20-0026-A
Sedighian N, Taghavi SM, HamzehzarghaniH, Van der Wolf JM, Wicker E , Osdaghi E. (2020). Potato-Infecting Ralstonia solanacearum Strains in Iran Expand Knowledge on the Global Diversity of Brown Rot Ecotype of the Pathogen. Phytopathology. doi: 10.1094/PHYTO-03-20-0072-R
Tekete C, Cunnac S , Doucoure H, Dembele M, Keita I, Sarra S, Dagno K, Koita O, Verdier V. (2020). Characterization of New Races of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae in Mali Informs Resistance Gene Deployment. Phytopathology. 110(2): 267-277. DOI: 10.1094/PHYTO-02-19-0070-R
Teulet A, Gully D, Rouy Z, Camuel A, Koebnik R , Giraud E, Lassalle F. (2020). Phylogenetic distribution and evolutionary dynamics of nod and T3SS genes in the genus Bradyrhizobium. Microb. Genom. doi: 10.1099/mgen.0.000407
Permanents de l'équipe
- Boris Szurek Directeur de Recherche IRD, Responsable d'équipe
- Florence Auguy Ingénieure IRD
- Sébastien Cunnac Chargé de Recherche IRD
- Lionel Gagnevin Chercheur CIRAD,
- Mathilde Hutin Chargée de Recherche IRD
- Ralf Koebnik Directeur de Recherche IRD
- Valérie Verdier Directrice de Recherche IRD
- Emmanuel Wicker Chercheur CIRAD