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Publications 2015
Aït Hamza M, Ferji Z, Ali N, Tavoillot J, Chapuis E , El Oualkadi A, Moukli A, Khadari B, Boubaker H, Lakhtar H, Roussos S, Mateille T, El Mousadik A. (2015). Plant-parasitic nematodes associated with olive tree in southern Morocco. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 2015, 17(4):719‒726. DOI:10.17957/IJAB/14.0004·
Ali N, Tavoillot J, Mateille T, Chapuis E , Besnard G, El Bakkali A, Cantalapiedra-Navarrete C, Liébanas G, Pablo Castillo P, Palomares Rius JEA. (2015). New root-knot nematode Meloidogyne spartelensisn. sp. (Nematoda: Meloidogynidae) in Northern Morocco. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 143(1):25-42.
Bellafiore S , Jougla C, Chapuis E , Besnard G, Suong M, Nguyen Vu P, De Waele D, Gantet P, Ngo Thi X. (2015). Intraspecific variability of the facultative meiotic parthenogenetic root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne graminicola) from rice fields in Vietnam. Comptes rendus Biologies. 338(7). DOI:10.1016/j.crvi.2015.04.002
Graham S, Chapuis E , Meconcelli S, Bonel N, Sartori K, Christophe A, Alda P, David P, Janicke T. (2015). Size-assortative mating in simultaneous hermaphrodites: an experimental test and a meta-analysis. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 69(11), DOI:10.1007/s00265-015-1999-5..
Membres de l'équipe
- Stéphane Bellafiore, Chargé de Recherche IRD, Responsable d'équipe
- Jamel Aribi, Technicien IRD
- Elodie Chapuis, Chargée de Recherche IRD