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Publis 2018


Alves G.S.C., Torres L.F., de Aquino S.O., Reichel T., Freire L.P., Vieira N.G., Vinecky F., This D., Pot D., Etienne H ., Paiva L.V., Marraccini P ., Andrade A.C. (2018). Nucleotide diversity of the coding and promoter regions of DREB1D, a candidate gene for drought tolerance in Coffea species. Trop. Plant Biol. DOI: 10.1007/s12042-018-9199-x

de Aquino S.O., Carneiro F.A., Rêgo E.C.S., Alves G.S.C., Andrade A.C., Marraccini P . (2018). Functional analysis of different promoter haplotypes of the coffee (Coffea canephora) CcDREB1D gene through genetic transformation of Nicotiana tabacum. Plant Cell Tiss. Organ Cult. 132(2): 279-294. DOI: 10.1007/s11240-017-1328-y

Aribi, J., Ribière, W., Villain, L ., Anthony, F. (2018) Screening of wild coffee (Coffea spp.) for resistance to Meloidogyne incognita race 1. Nematropica. 48(1): 5-14.

Bonato O. , Chadoeuf J. (2018). Arthropods life cycle and temperature: Beyond isomorphy hypothesis. Journal Thermal Biology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtherbio.2018.05.004

Breitler JC , Dechamp E , Campa C , Zebral Rodrigues L , Guyot R , Marraccini P , Etienne H (2018) CRISPR/Cas9-mediated efficient targeted mutagenesis has the potential to accelerate the domestication of Coffea canephora. Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult (PCTOC), https://doi.org/10.1007/s11240-018-1429-2.

Dussert S, Serret J, Bastos-Siqueira A, Morcillo F, Dechamps E , Rofidal V, Lashermes P, Etienne H , Joet T. (2018). Integrative analysis of the late maturation programme and desiccation tolerance mechanisms in intermediate coffee seeds. J Exp Bot. DOI: 10.1093/jxb/erx492

Echeverria-Beirute F., Murray S.C., Klein P.E., Kerth C., Miller R., Bertrand B. . (2018). Rust and thinning management effect on cup quality and plant performance for two cultivars of Coffea arabica L .Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 66 (21) : p. 5281-5292.

Etienne H, Breton D, Breitler J-C, Bertrand B, Déchamp E, Awada R, Marraccini P, Léran S, Alpizar E, Campa C , Courtel P, Georget F, Ducos J-P (2018) Coffee Somatic Embryogenesis: How Did Research, Experience Gained and Innovations Promote the Commercial Propagation of Elite Clones From the Two Cultivated Species? Frontiers in Plant Science. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01630. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpls.2018.01630/full

Gallardo LH, Suárez-Villasmil L, Etienne H , Bertrand B , Barry-Etienne D, Menéndez-Yuffá A (2018) Similarity between nursery growth of coffee plants (Coffea arabica L.) obtained by somatic embryogenesis and by seeds. Rev. Biodivers. Neotrop. ISSN 2027-8918 e-ISSN 2256-5426 Abril-Junio 2018; 8 (3): 156- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18636/bioneotropical.v8i2.356

Kranthi Varala, Amy Marshall-Colón, Jacopo Cirrone, Matthew D. Brooks, Angelo V. Pasquino, Sophie Léran , Shipra Mittal, Tara M. Rock, Molly B. Edwards, Grace J. Kim, Sandrine Ruffel, W. Richard McCombie, Dennis Shasha, and Gloria M. Coruzzi (2018) PNAS, https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1721487115

Nunes RD, Orozco-Arias S, Crouzillat D, Mueller LA, Strickler SR, Descombes P, Fournier C, Moine D, Kochko de A, Yuyama PM, Vanzela ALL, Guyot R. (2018). Structure and distribution of centromeric retrotransposons at diploid and allotetraploid Coffea centromeric and pericentromeric regions. Frontiers in Plant Science ; 9 :175. doi:10.3389/fpls.2018.00175

Orozco-Arias S, Tabares-Soto R,n Ceballos D, Silva Domingues D, Garavito A, Ming R, Guyot R . (2018). Inpactor, Integrated and Parallel Analyzer and Classifier of LTR Retrotransposons and Its Application for Pineapple LTR Retrotransposons Diversity and Dynamics. Biology (Basel). 25. DOI:10.3390/biology7020032

Sant’Ana GC, Pereira LFP, Pot D, Ivamoto ST, Dominguez DS, Ferreira RV, pagiatto NF, da Silva BSR, Nogueira LM, Kitzberger CSG, Scholz MBS, de Oliveira FF, Sera GH, Padilha L, Labouisse JP, Guyot R , Charmetant P, Leroy T. (2018). Genome-wide association study reveals candidate genes influencing lipids and diterpenes contents in &ITCoffea arabica&IT L. Scientific Reports. 8. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-18800-1


Awada, R ,Verdier, D, Brulard, E, Froger, S,Etienne, H ,Breton, D (2018) Automated active compounds screening system allows high-throughput optimization of somatic embryogenesis inCoffea arabica(oral communication).In: 5thInternational Conference of the IUFRO Working Party 2.09.02, Coimbra, Sept. 10-15.

Bertrand B; et al. (2018) The Greater Phenotypic Homeostasis of the Allopolyploid Coffea Arabica Improved the Transcriptional Homeostasis Over That of Both Diploid Parents - In: 27th International Conference on Coffee Science (ASIC), Portland, USA, Sept. 17-21

Breitler JC. et al. (2018) CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Efficient Targeted Mutagenesis has the Potential to Accelerate the Domestication of Coffea canephora - In: 27th International Conference on Coffee Science (ASIC), Portland, USA, Sept. 17-21

Etienne, H, Breitler, J-C, Bertrand, B, Dechamp, E, Marraccini, P, Leran, S, Campa, C, Duangosdri, T, Georget, F, Awada, R (2018)Coffee somatic embryogenesis, a model to decipher fundamental mechanisms associated to totipotency, somaclonal variation and photo-autotrophy acquisition (oral communication). In: 27th International Conference on Coffee Science (ASIC), Portland, USA, Sept. 17-21

Georget F . (2018) Creación y difusión de nuevos híbridos F1en América Central-In World Coffee Summit 2018, Salvador City, Salvador, June 6-7.

Marraccini P. , S.O. De aquino, L.F. Torres, G.S.C Alves, JC. Breitler, C. Campa, S. Leran, L. Vilain, F. Georget, A. de Kochko, V. Poncet, A.C. Andrade, H. Etienne, B. Bertrand (2018) CREATING NEW COFFEE VARIETIES TO COPE WITH CLIMATE CHANGES: CURRENTKNOWLEDGE AND FUTURE CHALLENGES(ORAL PRESENTATION); In:INTERNATIONAL PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 2018, Montpellier, August 5-10

Toniutti L. Association Study of Tree Size and Male Sterility in a F2 Coffea Arabica Population - In: 27th International Conference on Coffee Science (ASIC), Portland, USA, Sept. 17-21

TONIUTTI L. , Jean C BREITLER , Claudine CAMPA , Benoit BERTRAND , Herve ETIENNE , Charles LAMBOT, Juan Carlos HERRERA (2018) Physiological Plasticity: A Key Element of Coffee Hybrids to Face Leaf Rust Disease Attack - In: 27th International Conference on Coffee Science (ASIC), Portland, USA, Sept. 17-21



Campa C , Petitvallet A (2018) Beneficial compounds from coffee leaves. In: Achieving sustainalble cultivation of coffee, breeding and quality traits. Lashermes P, Ed. Burleigh Dodds Science Pubishing, pp 237-258.

Bertrand B , Penot E, Bordeaux M, Marraccini P, Breitler JC, Léran S, Campa C, Bonato O, Villain L, Etienne H (2018) Des variétés adaptées et adoptées: pierre angulaire des innovations agroécologiques pour sauver l’agroforesterie  à base  d’Arabica en Amérique Centrale et au Mexique. In : 10-best-bet-innovations-for-adaptation-in-agriculture-A-supplement-to-the-UNFCCC-NAP-Technical-Guidelines-CGIAR-Research-Program-on-Climate-Change-Agriculture-and-Food-Security-CCAFS.  Côte F (Ed.), Versailles : Ed. Quae.